Welcome to the IATI API Gateway!

Your source for information and access to the International Aid Transparency Initiative's public APIs.

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IATI is a global initiative to improve the transparency of development and humanitarian resources and their results to address poverty and crises.

IATI – the International Aid Transparency Initiative – brings together governments, multilateral institutions, private sector and civil society organisations and others to increase the transparency and openness of resources flowing into developing countries.

Increased transparency is not an end in itself but an essential step towards improving the coordination, accountability and effectiveness to maximise their impact on the world's poorest and most vulnerable people.

We encourage all organisations that distribute or spend resources to publish information about their activities using IATI’s data standard. This is a set of rules and guidance to ensure information is easy to access, understand and use.

IATI data helps meet the needs of a wide range of stakeholders in international development. For example:

  • Governments of developing countries need up-to-date information on which development and humanitarian organisations are operating in their country, so they can work with them effectively.

  • Donors and multilateral agencies need to understand where their spending will have the greatest impact.

  • Civil society organisations delivering services need to see what’s happening where, to improve coordination and avoid duplication of effort.

  • Citizens and journalists around the world need similar information to hold their governments to account on their spending and use of resources.


Explore the documentation for IATI's supported Public APIs


Create an Exploratory subscription to get started and test API requests and responses right in the Portal today


When you're ready to use an API in production request a Full Access subscription for higher rate limits.

Additional IATI APIs

The IATI API Gateway will be the eventual home for all of IATI's APIs, however as we make this transition some APIs are still documented and accessed elsewhere.

IATI Registry API - Information on every organisation publishing IATI data.

Codelist API - Two machine readable ways for people to consume the codelists needed to create and interpret IATI data.

Tools and Resources for data use

Please visit our main website for information on other tools and resources for IATI data use.

Using IATI data

IATI data is an invaluable resource for anyone involved in development or humanitarian aid. Find out what’s available, why it’s worth using and how you can use it.

IATI Code Examples

A repository of code examples in JavaScript, Python, and R to illustrate ways to use IATI APIs and IATI data.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I recieve a 401 - Access denied due to missing subscription key. Make sure to include subscription key when making requests to an API. response when making a request.

    • Check that you have included the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <Primary key> header in your HTTP request

    • For more detailed instructions check here

  2. I receive a 403 - Out of call volume quota. Quota will be replenished in <timestamp> response when making a request.

    • Check the Subscription section in your profile. If you do not have an active "Full Access" Subscription/Product, then navigate to Subscriptions click "Full Access" and request a subscription. This will go to a queue to be approved by the IATI Secretariat.

    • If you have an active "Full Access" subscription and think you need more that it allows, contact the IATI Helpdesk.

Getting Support

Check the detailed support documentation on the API Gateway here first.

If you still need help, contact the IATI Helpdesk with questions about using and publishing IATI data, and other technical enquiries.

Raising Issues

For bugs, feature requests, or other general enquiries about the APIs, we ask that appropriate issues are raised in the corresponding GitHub repository. Each API description should reference a public GitHub repository that hosts the code for the API. Please follow templates provided to raise different types of issues, to help both the IATI Secretariat and other users to understand the context.

For further information, see the IATI Developer Documentation